Nuclear Crisis: Israel Attack Iran insists

The Israeli government seems to ignore the warning the UnitedStates (U.S.) and Russia not to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.
Minister of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Minister) Avigdor Lieberman as Israel decision to say to strike Iranian nuclear facilities is the responsibility to protect citizens of Israel. "The safety of citizens of the State of Israel, the future of Israel is the responsibility of the government of Israel," Lieberman said.

Israeli officials recently more intensively with their war rhetoric. The Jewish state has threatened to launch an attack against Iran, if sanctions are imposed against the Islamic Republic failed to make it stop its nuclear program.

Besides the U.S. and Russia, China also has warned Israel not to attack Iran. Therefore, the move would lead to severe consequences not only for the Middle East, but for the whole world.
Meanwhile, the U.S. warned of military action against Iran caused great instability that could threaten the safety of American citizens in Afghanistan and Iraq. "Any military action in the region, the risk of greater instability in the region," said White House spokesman JayCarney.

The warning was delivered several days ahead of a meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.



Iran's Nuclear Issue

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, accused Western countries of using the issue of Iran's nuclear program as a pretext tooverthrow the regime in Tehran.
Putin stated this after the International Atomic Energy Agency,IAEA, remains a possible concern in the military aspects of Iran's nuclear program.
Putin did not mention the Western countries which he called trying to overthrow the Iranian regime, but tudingannya likely to lead to the U.S., Britain, and France, which has been most harshly criticizedIran's nuclear program, which led to the state's imposition of sanctions.
Russia supported a UN resolution that Iran stop enriching uranium,but oppose further sanctions on Iran.

Iran insists its nuclear program for civilian purposes, and continueddevelopment.
"Iran wants to continue holding talks with the IAEA to prove that its nuclear activities were peaceful," said the Iranian envoy to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh.
Previously, the IAEA expressed concern that Iran improve its military capabilities with the help of a 'foreign expert' in the Parchin, south of Tehran.
U.S. says IAEA report showed Iran has failed to convince the international community about the peaceful intentions of its nuclear program.
The report also said Iran increases the number of machines used toenrich uranium and uranium production increase 20% higher.
Iran is also preparing for the work mentioned Uranium enrichmentplant at Natanz and a hidden place in Fordo, near the holy city ofQom.
But Iran rejected UN demands to visit the place and deniedconcerns that "based on allegations that are not there."

I think the outstanding issues that Iran make a nuclear enrichment,possibly from Iran's own country was intending to develop theirnuclear program to peaceful purposes. reaction may be differentfrom other countries. from Western countries accuse Iran of tryingthat the technology to build a nuclear bomb. so, in my opinion, Iran fail to convince the international community that the purpose of its nuclear program is peaceful.




Earth Day

Earth Day is a day early each year on which events are held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by theEarth Day Network and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day. Earth Day is planned for April 22 in all years at least through 2015.

An international non-profit institutions have created a campaign video that Earth Day can be seen below:

The earth's population from various nationalities and backgroundsare expected to voice their aspirations for the sake of our planetand preserve this land where we stand. Together we will unite to welcome a brighter future, let's invite our brother, our organization'sshelter, and government to participate.

Some simple things we can do to welcome Earth Day include:

1. Cleaning the bedroom and the house
2. Planting and spruce trees and plants and flowers in your neighborhood
3. Aktfitas perform community service in a residential neighborhoodwith neighbors
4. Avoid the use of a motor vehicle or personal car for a full day.

reference :


Kartini's Day

Kartini's Day and the true meaning - Raden Kartini Adjeng is a National Hero of Indonesia as a pioneer of women's struggle,symbol of gender equality, women's emancipation.

Raden Kartini Adjeng is the daughter of the Javanese nobility Raden Mas Sosroningrat Duke Ario, a Regent of Jepara. Kartini was born in Jepara, on April 21, 1879 and died on 17 September1904 in Apex.

Light After Dark (Door Duisternis Lich tot) is a book of Kartini's letters are being sent to his friends in the Netherlands. The book isa testament to so great a desire to release his people from theKartini discrimination is already entrenched in his day.

In honor of his services as a pioneer of women's resurrection,President Sukarno set April 21 as the birthday of Kartini and also set Adjeng Raden Kartini as a National Hero of the commemorated every year. And now known as the Kartini Day.



Knowledge Management (KM) Processes in Organizations - Chapter 3 -

Chapter 3

Theorizing Knowledge in Organizations

To better understand the notion of “managing” knowledge, there is a need to better understand what it is about knowledge flow in organizations that lends itself to any form of management.
The literature has discussed organizational knowledge both as a resource [Grant, R., 1996] and a process of learning [Argyris and Schon, 1978, Senge, P., 1990], often emphasizing one aspect over the other.

In the resource view, knowledge is conceptualized as an object that exists largely in formal documents or online artifacts amenable to organizing and manipulation.
The process view, on the other hand, largely emphasizes the emergent nature of knowledge that is often embedded within a person or within organizational routines, activities, and outcomes, or arises from the interplay of persons and existing information or knowledge.
While both perspectives may vary significantly in terms of the scope for the “management” of knowledge, it is still worth exploring the issues and debate surrounding the practice of creating, gathering, and sharing knowledge within organizations.


The knowledge that the firm possesses is a source of sustainable competitive advantage, and is, accordingly, regarded as a strategic resource of the firm in need of management attention.

Through the process view, organizations are thought of as information processing and knowledge generating systems [Grant, R., 1996].

Baumard, P. [1999] proposes looking at knowledge in organizations along two dimensions: tacit-explicit versus individual-collective. He defines four quadrants in which knowledge types are situated:
- tacit-individual (intuitiveness),
- tacit-collective (social practice),
- explicit-individual (expertise), and
- explicit-collective (rules).


While knowledge itself may be perceived as a resource, its creation occurs through human interactions, whether physical or virtual.

A communication and interaction perspective have argued that through discourse and dialectics, individuals shape and re-shape the thought processes of others, eventually leading to a situation of negotiated ormutually co-constructed reasoning for action and knowledge [von Krogh et al.,1998]

Sense-making [Weick, K.,1995] is then seen as an activity that reaffirms whether the decisions and actions taken are rational in hindsight, constituting the “knowledge” that is created.

Nonaka and Takeuchi [1995] in their seminal work have also alluded to knowledge creation as a process of socialization that is predicated on the need for direct social interactions. Nonaka and Takeuchi are the most prominent theorists in the knowledge management domain. Their SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization) model posits a spiral-type process in which knowledge goes from within a person’s own knowledge store to a more explicit state that can be shared socially with others.


Blackler, F. [1995] and others propose that attention should focus on systems through which knowing and doing are achieved. By suggesting an alternative stance of knowing as mediated, situated, provisional, pragmatic, and contested, as opposed to a more classic viewof knowledge as embodied, embrained, encultured, and encoded, he recognizes that knowledge permeates activity systems within the organization.

Blackler, F. proposes that knowledge can be observed as emerging out of the tensions that arise within an organization’s activity systems, that is, among individuals and their communities, their environment (rules and regulations), and the instruments and resources that mediate their activities.

Through immersion in joint activity, individuals in organizations gain tacit knowledge, the sharing of which occurs as a result of the mutual participation [Tsoukas, H., 1996].


Knowledge Management (KM) Processes in Organizations - Chapter 2 -

Chapter 2

Background Bibliographic Analysis

Articles about KM were and are being published in the fields of computer science, information systems, management, engineering, communication, and library and information science.
Ponzi and Koenig [2002] were able to project early on that KM was either an unusually broad-shouldered business enthusiasm or a rather permanent development.

In the early years of KM, it was probably a very safe assumption that almost all KMarticles would have the phrase “knowledge management” in the title, but as the KM field has grown, that almost certainly is no longer a safe assumption. There are now numerous articles about “communities of practice” or “enterprise content management” or “lessons learned” that clearly are KM focused, but they do not use the phrase “knowledge management” in the title.

The significance of the KM growth pattern becomesmuch more apparent when one compares it with the pattern of other major business enthusiasms of recent years.

Quality Circles, Business Process Engineering, and Total Quality Management all show an almost identical pattern of approximately five years of dramatic, exponential, growth, then they peak and fall off to near nothing almost as quickly. All the hallmarks are here of a rather permanent development.

There has also been substantial interest in the academic world concerning KM. The database ‘Dissertations and Theses’ includes bibliographic information about theses published by graduate Students at accredited North American institutions from 1861, and from 50 European universities since 1988. A search of the database showed that all of the dissertations and theses with ‘knowledge management’ in the title or in the key word fields have been published since 1996.

‘Knowledge management’ may have been commonly used in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, scholars have adopted terms such as ‘knowledge sharing,’ ‘communities of practice,’ and ‘learning organizations’ as knowledge management processes became more mainstream in organizations. As the twenty-first century has progressed, searches on ‘knowledge management’ have revealed that scholarly works on knowledge sharing have increasingly been combined with research on social networking and social media.

The data seem to indicate that there continues to be a lively interest in research and writing about knowledge management, and presumably that scholars and ordinary people are interested in reading about KM as well. The specific departments and disciplines in which the dissertations were written range from mathematics to mass communication, with business administration being strongly represented.

An interesting observation is that there was a very brief spurt of articles about KM in journals  devoted to education, but that interest soon waned. This is likely a function of the fact that KM, as mentioned previously has a very corporatist and organizational emphasis, while for most academic principals, the faculty, their commitment to their field, their discipline and sub-discipline, their “invisible college” comes first.


Knowledge Management (KM) Processes in Organizations - Chapter 1 -

Chapter 1



1.      Davenport,T. (1994) tells about KM movement :
Knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge” 
( This definition has the virtue of being simple, stark, and to the point )

2. The Gartner Group created the second definition of KM, which is perhaps the most frequently cited one (Duhon, 1998):
A discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise’s information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously uncaptured expertise and experience in individual workers.
( This definition is a bit more specific and informative, and it is illuminating because it makes explicit not just conventional information and knowledge units, but also “tacit knowledge,” or implicit knowledge, that which is known, but not captured in any formal or explicit fashion ).

3. McInerney, C. [2002] is that “KM is an effort to increase useful knowledge within the organization. Ways to do this include encouraging communication, offering opportunities to learn, and promoting the sharing of appropriate knowledge objects or artifacts.”
( This definition emphasizes the interactive aspect of KM, that is, knowledge sharing by people rather than the common understanding of knowledge management as a system used to organize what we might call ‘knowledge objects.’ )

Upon being asked at a cocktail party to define Knowledge Management, one may offer an apt
definition, comprised of primarily 3 distinct parts:
1) Classic Library and Information Science and Information Retrieval.
2) ICT, Information and Communication Technology.
3) HR,HumanRelations,changing the culture of the organization to facilitate knowledge sharing and use.
Another way to understand KM may be to examine its history and development.


In the article entitled “Where Did Knowledge Management Come From” written in 1999, Prusak states that KM first appeared “about seven years ago,” i.e., in 1992, and describes a conference in Boston in 1993 as “a good milestone to mark the beginning of the knowledge management time-line” [Prusak, L., 1999]

The earliest instances of KM, as the term is understood today, derive from the consulting world, from which the principles of KM eventually spread to other disciplines. The consulting firms quickly realized the potential of the Intranet flavor of the Internet for linking together their own geographically dispersed knowledge based organizations. They then understood that the expertise they had gained was a product that could be sold to other organizations. That product needed a name, and the name chosen, or at least arrived at, was Knowledge Management.

In his article the origins of KM, Prusak in fact, felt it appropriate to say “some skeptics may believe that consultants developed knowledge management to replace declining revenues from the waning re-engineering movement” [Prusak, L., 1999]. The two enthusiasms, KM and re-engineering, are related in that both were driven by increased ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) capabilities. However, the timing, though convenient for the consulting firms, was driven not by their convenience, but by the straightforward dynamics of ICT capability growth.

KM was dependent upon the appearance of the Internet, while pre internet, ICT already enabled the major restructuring of an organization’s work flows and processes. In a sense, KM also has roots in the implementation of Supply Chain Management (SCM) software and business process reengineering (BPR) as well as the more recent development of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). IT development has always displayed a pattern, of growth from more structured data to less tractable, less well structured, or comparatively unstructured data.  SCM & BPR & ERP to KM, represent a logical and predictable progression toward unstructured information and knowledge.

Leistner says that knowledge must be connected with people to be a viable term Koenig,M, KM has two parents, the enthusiasm for and the appreciation of intellectual capital, and the development of the Internet and its offspring, intranets and extranets.
“Intellectual Capital” representing the awareness that as PeterDrucker [Hibbard, J., 1997, p. 46] put it:
We now know that the source of wealth is something, specifically human knowledge. If we apply knowledge to tasks that we obviously know how to do, we call it productivity.
If we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different, we call it innovation. Only knowledge allows us to achieve those two goals.


A pioneer in the Intellectual Capital (IC) field was Karl-Eric Sveiby [Sveiby, K., 1989, 1997, 2001], whose book The Invisible Balance Sheet was a key work in the development of thinking about Intellectual Capital.From this early writing, Sveiby’s ideas developed smoothly and rapidly into KM.
The work of Buckman, R. [2004] at BuckmanLaboratories and Hubert St.Onge [Chatzkel, J.,2000] at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Clarica Insurance were key implementations in operationalizing the concept and in popularizing IC. Also very important was the Stewart,T. [1994] article in Fortune magazine, “Intellectual Capital, Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset.”


As the Internet emerged, the business world realized that the Internet could be used to link an
organization together. This was the take off point for large scale recognition of KMas an important innovation, and it was the stimulus for its development [Koenig,M., 1996, 1998].


The Three Stages of KM

STAGE I “By the Internet out of Intellectual Capital”
Information Technology
Intellectual Capital
The Internet (including intranets, extranets, etc.)
Key Phrases: “best practices,” later replaced by the more politic “lessons learned”

STAGE II Human and cultural dimensions, the HR, Human Relations stage
Communities of Practice
Organizational Culture
The Learning Organization (Senge), and
Tacit Knowledge (Nonaka) incorporated into KM
Key Phrase: “communities of practice”

STAGE III Content and Retrievability
Structuring content and assigning descriptors (index terms)
Key Phrases: “ content management” and “taxonomies”

STAGE IV ? Access to External Information
Emphases upon External Information and the recognition of the Importance of Context
Key Terms: “context” and “extranet”



A forest of information and knowledge management, whose scope and importance we are still coming to recognize. Furthermore, it is beginning to appear that KM is graduating from being just one of many names on that list, to now becoming the name for that forest of all the trees of information and knowledge management.

The more likely explanation is that of the forests and the trees, the forest being that community of trees listed above that all deal significantly with information and knowledge management. The forest is certainly not going away, nor will it remain static, new trees will emerge, but KM is morphing and expanding in scope to be the name of that forest. We have always had trouble defining KM, and now we have another definition, or more exactly a new metaphor, KM is the name for that newly recognized forest of all the trees of information and knowledge management.


A final way to view KM is to observe KM as the movement to replicate the information environment known to be conducive to successful R&D- rich, deep, and open communication and information access - and deploy it broadly across the firm.
The principles and practices of KM have developed in a very conducive environment, given that in this post-industrial information age, an increasingly larger proportion of the population consists of information workers.


Do You Know??

Dou you know that actually, the virus is considered dofollow blog.

Viruses are small programs that can attach itself to other programs.When another program is executed, the virus also runs, and can copy itself to more programs. In this way, they spread like a biological virus and it can take quite a lot of memory to turn off the computer.
Viruses are written by people. Some virus writers are hackers who seek information or the power of a larger computer network. Many are also working with perpetrators of spam; others are just aiming to earn the respect of the programming community or simply to leave a mark.

blogs are nofollow, if we comment on its news, blogs do not provide any backlink
is the opposite, if the comment is dofollow blog post is like planting an abundance of fruit backlink, and we stuck to link automatically continue on the blog, and means the machine will google street also to our blog.

There are several ways you can do to find out our blog nofollow or dofollow:
1.  First, in a way which is commonly used and can be applied in any browser, with display source page.
Here's how:
The first way, right-click the page, then click the "view page source".
The second way, select the menu "view" at the top of the browser, click the "page source".
The third way, press Ctrl + U.
Customize your web browser to mate, each browser may be slightly different.
After that, find your desired link. Then, look like the code below :

rel = "dofollow"> or without the attribute "rel"
The above code indicates that the link is dofollow, dofollow while not (nofollow) as shown below.
rel = 'nofollow'>

2.  The second way, using firefox browser. There are three quick ways can my friend do with firefox.
The first way, the block / selection link, then right click and click on "view selection source".
This is the same as the above, but can speed up the time my friend.
The second way, right click, then click "properties" and see a display like the following.

Look for a dofollow link :

Look for the link that is not DoFollow (nofollow) :


National Museum of Indonesia

In January 2012, exactly on 14, me and my friends visited the National Museum of Indonesia. The museum is located in Central Jakarta, precisely in the "Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat 12". I went there to use the busway.
in busway, trip to National Museum
the ticket for busway and the museum

The National Museum also known as the "Museum Gajah". It has many different collecting ancient artifacts from around the archipelago, such as statues, inscriptions, and objects other ancient crafts.

National Museum of Indonesia

But many of us get to know and choose to visit the National Monument (Monas) than the National Museum. However, in this museum there are also many relics of the Indies- the Netherlands.

Collection of ceramics and ethnographic collections in museums Indonesia is the largest and most comprehensive in the world. This museum is the first and largest museum in Southeast Asia.

For example of past heritage museum located in this instance, there is the jewelry worn by people at that time.

The pictures below is my photos in the National Museum :)

I am very pleased to be able to visit this museum with my friends and i want to share this to all. I hope more and more young people who can appreciate the historyand culture of Indonesia.


Data, Information, and Knowledge

Differences between data, information, and knowledge:

Data is a collection of facts that represent an event. Data can also be interpreted as the very small / basic of human work. Data is rigid/ static.

Information is the result of processing / processing the data collected and have a picture or a clear sense of a particular context.information is dynamic. Everyone has a different response to the information.

Knowledge is the result of processing the information so useful. in addition, knowledge can also be regarded as information that is integrated and interpreted. Knowledge derived from information which is absorbed in one's reasoning, as well as transcendent.

For example:

Data: 200 motor vehicles were passing lane Parung this morning.
Information: Parung lane of traffic congestion experienced in the morning.
Knowledge: motorists should take alternate routes, such as Sawangan.

reference: http://blogs.unpad.ac.id/eddynurmanto/2007/06/20/data-informasi-dan-pengetahuan/


Why Are Gas Prices Going Up Right Now?

What's the Real Reason Behind High Oil Prices?

Oil prices are set by commodities traders who buy and sell futures contracts on the commodities exchanges.These are agreements to buy or sell oil at a specific date in the future at a specific price. Commodities traders can create a self-fulfilling prophecy by bidding up oil futures prices. Once this starts, it can create an asset bubble. Unfortunately, the one who pays for this bubble is you!

Like most of the things you buy, oil prices are affected by supply and demand. However, oil prices are also affected by oil price futures, which are traded on the commodities futures exchange. These prices fluctuate daily, depending on what investors think the price of oil will be in the future. When traders think oil will be high, they bid it up even higher. This soon causes rising gas prices.

What Makes High Gas Prices Go Down?

The summertime vacation driving season usually increases gas prices by an average of ten cents per gallon. This price increase is despite the increased use of ethanol. Gas prices usually go down in the winter, since transportation needs are lower. This even offsets an increase in oil usage for winter heating in the Northeast U.S.

What Can We Do About Rising Gas Prices?

The most immediate thing we can do is reduce our usage of gas, either through driving less or increasing fuel efficiency. Surprisingly, the best way to increase fuel efficiency is to keep tires inflated.

Another reason for rising oil prices is the declining dollar. Since oil is denominated in dollars, the 40% decline in the dollar in the last six years puts upward pressure on oil prices. (Source: BBC, Oil Price May Hit $200 a Barrel, May 7, 2008)

Sometimes commodities traders drive up the price of oil, even when supply increases and demand falls. The EIA cited an increased flow of investment money into commodities markets. In other words, money that used to be invested in real estate or the global stock market is now being invested in oil futures. For more on the factors commodities traders use, see How Are Oil Prices Determined? (Source: EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook)

Longer term, we can change our need for oil and gas by switching to alternative fuel vehicles, using public transit and moving closer to work to reduce commuting time. This will reduce the impact of gas prices on each of us individually by reducing use.

Could this reduction in itself reduce gas prices? It could, if it could reduce demand for oil enough to lower oil prices. It would have to happen on a sustained basis over a long period of time. That's because gasoline accounts for only 20% of each barrel of oil. Oil companies would still profit from the non-gasoline parts of their business. Therefore, even if consumers could conceivably stop 100% of gasoline use, oil prices might only decline 20%.

Thank you very much for view my blog :)