Iran's Nuclear Issue

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, accused Western countries of using the issue of Iran's nuclear program as a pretext tooverthrow the regime in Tehran.
Putin stated this after the International Atomic Energy Agency,IAEA, remains a possible concern in the military aspects of Iran's nuclear program.
Putin did not mention the Western countries which he called trying to overthrow the Iranian regime, but tudingannya likely to lead to the U.S., Britain, and France, which has been most harshly criticizedIran's nuclear program, which led to the state's imposition of sanctions.
Russia supported a UN resolution that Iran stop enriching uranium,but oppose further sanctions on Iran.

Iran insists its nuclear program for civilian purposes, and continueddevelopment.
"Iran wants to continue holding talks with the IAEA to prove that its nuclear activities were peaceful," said the Iranian envoy to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh.
Previously, the IAEA expressed concern that Iran improve its military capabilities with the help of a 'foreign expert' in the Parchin, south of Tehran.
U.S. says IAEA report showed Iran has failed to convince the international community about the peaceful intentions of its nuclear program.
The report also said Iran increases the number of machines used toenrich uranium and uranium production increase 20% higher.
Iran is also preparing for the work mentioned Uranium enrichmentplant at Natanz and a hidden place in Fordo, near the holy city ofQom.
But Iran rejected UN demands to visit the place and deniedconcerns that "based on allegations that are not there."

I think the outstanding issues that Iran make a nuclear enrichment,possibly from Iran's own country was intending to develop theirnuclear program to peaceful purposes. reaction may be differentfrom other countries. from Western countries accuse Iran of tryingthat the technology to build a nuclear bomb. so, in my opinion, Iran fail to convince the international community that the purpose of its nuclear program is peaceful.




Anonymous said...

yes i agree with you, Iran just want to Build a nuclear program not for a war, but for peaceful ,.

but, how about your opinion between Conflict in Iran with Knowledge management??

please share your Idea to me :)

Aziza Ameilia said...

in my mind, based on knowledge management, conflict in Iran show us that knowledge is hidden knowledge, in this case nuclear procurement program, the manufacture of uranium, and so the alleged negative impact for other countries, so the information to be misunderstood. then, in the sense of knowledge management itself is a process of dissemination of information necessary for an increase in knowledge, in the case of Iran, Iran does not publish its nuclear program to peaceful purposes of this program to be not delivered properly by the international community.

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